
Dra Lucinda Brito Libras

História de Libras

História de Libras parte 01

A Bridge Between Communities | Asger Bergmann

CRPD - You have the power to fight for your human rights | Jenny Nilsson

Promo Ethiopia Deaf Xperience 2014

4th International Games for the Deaf, London (Part 1)

Russia Jovens dos Surdos РЕПОРТАЖ: XII Московский молодежный форум. Вторая часть

DA2015: Joseph Murray, Maartje De Meulder & Delphine le Maire

DA2015: Opening of Conference

DA2015: Annelies Kusters & Sujit Sahasrabudhe

DA2015: John S. Pirone

DA2015: Paddy Ladd